My SIL, Shelley from got me in a game of tag. I thought I was WAY faster than her, BUT, I wasn't looking. So, now I am going to get 7 of YOU!!! Here are the rules:
Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
Tag 7 people and link to them.
Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
My list of blogs tagged: Karin- LOTS oF things to do Here. Send Quilt Squares.... READ UP... (Jodie's Random thoughts) (I'm patient as Long as I don't have to wait for anything) (We are now 3) - Colette Sweetpeace - Sue
7 random or weird thoughts about me:1. I am convinced that I will eventually have to be tube-fed. My food allergies are SOO ridiculous and keep getting worse. I cannot eat ANY raw fruits or vegetables, nuts, seeds. I get hives in my mouth and throat. So perhaps with tube-feeding, weight loss goals would be easier. :)
2. I get panicky feeling if I can't move for too long, like if Katie falls asleep on me in a weird position and its hard to get up without waking her. It makes me crazy!
3. I honestly need constant supervision for deadlines, but I work from home. (I'm learning to push myself a little.)
4. Unlike my SIL, who wasn't that sad when her dog died, (See, I have immense attachment and compassion for my dogs and always did. When in college, I applied my newly learned desensitization technique from behavioral Psychology to my dog and helped him get over his fear of the stairs. From then on, he slept upstairs, wanting to get on the bed with whomever. My mom was SO HAPPY with me for that.
5. I
should be working right now, but it's Shelley's fault. She used to get in trouble for socializing too much in school AND at work.
6. I enjoy matching Katie's socks. They are really just so cute.
7. I think I would be a good Private Detective. I am very good at obsessing and have urges to find out the truth by stalking or any other means when someone is being wronged. (Ummm, NO I have NEVER done this.)